University Library

Hit list and short title view

The hit list displays the short title view for your search terms. Please click on the title to see bibliographic and content details, as well as availability of the item.

If you are not logged in, some of the titles will only show "for registered users only ... (please login)".

Please do so by using your university login if you are a member of the university (student, employee) or your library card ID if you are an external member of the library.

Sorting the hit list:

The list of hits displayed in the "Books & more" section is sorted by default in descending order by year of publication, but can also be sorted in ascending or alphabetical order by title and by relevance (Hits in which the search term appears in the title, for example, are "more relevant" than those in which it appears in the publisher's name).

The hit list within the section "Articles & more" is usually sorted by relevance and can be subsequently re-sorted chronologically (descending by publication year).

Print titles or add them to my list:

Several fuctions are available in the hit list (in both the short title display as well as in the full title display): add title to my list, bookmark or print a title.

  • Add the title to my list:
    Click on this button to save the title to a list in order to use the data later on. If you are logged in, the list will be available for a longer period of time.
  • Print:
    Here the title details will be displayed in a graphic version suitable for printing.

Full title view

The full title view will be displayed when you click on a title in the hit list. There are four tabs:

  • Bibliographic Details
    Here you will find the bibliographic information for the chosen title: Title, contributing people/institutions, year of publication etc.
  • Content Details
    This information differs according to which section is in use, "Books & more" or "Articles & more". Depending on the source of data provided information such as subject headings, abstracts, links to the list of contents online etc will be provided.
  • Holdings Infos
    Under "Holdings Infos" you will find information on the physical library holdings and the shelfmark. Items that can be borrowed can be ordered or reserved directly here.
    If the title you are looking for is available online, you will usually receive a direct link to the full text, or at least the necessary information for access or information on licensing restrictions, etc.
  • Related Items
    For many titles, you will find recommendations for similar titles in both "Books & more" and "Articles & more". In "Books & more" the links lead to the respective titles in the catalog, in "Articles & more" you will be informed whether and how you can access the respective work.

Narrow Search

If you use the function "narrow search" (also known as "drilldowns" or "facets") you can narrow down your hits to special media types, publication years, languages, authors, subject heardings or - in the section "Books & more" - to holdings of local libraries.

In the section "Articles & more" you can use search options customized to the search for articles:

  • with link to full text: only documents available in full text
  • also search within full texts: the whole text of the document is searched, not only the bibliographic data
  • peer reviewed: documents and articles verified by experts
  • use similar words: expand your search with terms of a provided thesaurus

You can narrow down your search by using several filter options. Used filters will be displayed as "active" and can be deleted by clicking on the "x".

Please note a technically-related difference in the narrowing down of your hit lists depending on which section you are in:

  • In the section "Books & more" you receive a list of all filtering options referring to all found titles. In brackets you will see the number of titles that correspond to this option. The list is displayed by numbers of titles (then alphabetically following the filtering options). The list is cut to the first 100 hits if more than 100 search results are returned.
  • Within the section "Articles & more", only the first 100 titles are considered and displayed for generating the filtering options.

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