
Postdoc Days 2024

On September 18th and 19th 2024 the third Postdoc Days will take place at the University of Tübingen for postdocs, junior research group leaders and junior professors. At the event participants are invited to learn about the various supporting structures at the University of Tübingen, get specific and condensed information on individual topics of the postdoc phase and meet with other postdocs.

To achieve this, the Graduate Academy and the Research Funding Office, in cooperation with the faculties and central supporting structures, will put together a diverse program with virtual and in-person meetings.

We are looking forward to welcome many of you at the Postdoc Days in 2024!


Postdoc Days - September 28, 2022 - Alte Aula
Thanks to all participants and staff for the successful premiere!

Program of the Postdoc Days 2024

The Postdoc Days 2024 will be held as an online Event. Each workshop and information seminar will be offered via Zoom in order to give as many of you as possible the opportunity to attend the event.

In addition, we will organize an in-person event in the evening of the 18th Semptember. At this event, you will not only have the opportunity to meet other Postdocs, but also to attend a discussion round with five invited guests, who will talk about their scientific career and are open to exchange experiences on scientific career paths.