Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

About us

The Tübingen Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies is a platform for an ongoing dialogue within a network of researchers, scholars and postgraduate students from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Europe who are engaged upon the exploration of the intellectual challenges of the Global South. The Interdisciplinary Centre supports a networking intellectual enquiry and exploratory political project that seeks to create new concepts and expanding scholarly rhizomes across the South.

The Interdisciplinary Centre hosts an MA and a structured PhD programme in Global South Studies, as well as facilitating the activities of a network of partner universities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific region (originally brought together by a BMBF-DAAD Thematic Network Project).

The statutes of the centre

Structure of the ICGSS

Contact for International Students, Teachers and Service Staff

Ibrahima NDIAYE

 Room 03, Nauklerstr. 35

  +49 -15210647887




Steering Committee



Members of the Steering Committee

Internationaler Beirat

  • Dr. med. M. Sc. Selidji Todagbe Maxime Agnandji, Director of CERMEL, Gabun
  • Prof. Dr. Nair María Anaya Ferreira, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Prof. Dr. Catherine Mazauric, Université Aix-Marseille
  • Prof. Dr. Sarah Nuttall, University of the Witwatersrand
  • Prof. Dr. Sundhya Pahuja, University of Melbourne
  • Prof. Dr. Fernando Resende, Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Prof. Dr. Steve Tonah, University of Ghana
  • Prof. Dr. Debjani Ganguly, University of Virginia
  • Dr. Odila Triebel, ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V., Germany


Juristische Fakultät

Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Laufer
  • Dr. Rainer Radtke

Zentrum für Gender- und Diversitätsforschung (ZGD)

Medizinische Fakultät

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW)


College of Fellows

Philosophische Fakultät