Department of Biology


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Admission requirements


You can apply for admission to the Master's degree programme nano-science if you meet the following basic requirements:


1) Academic achievements

You must hold a bachelor of science degree in nano-science or in a related subject (physics, biology, chemistry, engineering...). This degree must have been completed with a grade better than the equivalent to the German grade 3.0 (LINKs to table for comparison: here and here

A minimum knowledge in the core disciplines (quantum mechanics, soft matter physics, physical chemistry, biophysics, nanotechnology, microscopy techniques, scattering techniques) required for the Master’s degree program must be demonstrated to a minimum of 18 ECTS.

A selection committee decides on the equivalence in each individual case.


2) Language skills

To participate in the Master’s degree program language skills in English are absolutely necessary. Language skills in German are desirable.

English language skills at the level of min.
B2 (GER)    equivalent to       > 79 (TOEFL)        equivalent to      FCE (Cambridge)
must be proven.

German language skills are not mandatory but desirable and very helpful. ...more information


Tuition fee


Tuition fees are charged for this Master’s degree program:


For foreign students from EU countries: 158 € semester fee per semester.

For foreign students from non-EU countries: 1500 € tuition + 158 € semester fee per semester.


The possibility of reducing tuition exists in special cases. Here are some examples: recognized refugees, severely disabled or financially disadvantaged persons. Detailed information can be found here


Application and application deadlines


You can apply for admission to the Nanoscience Master’s degree program with the relevant documents via the ALMA online portal 

You can apply for the winter and summer semester. The application deadlines are 15/7 for the winter semester and 15/1 for the summer semester.