Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

Alumni's Experiences

Isabel Kübler, Uni Tübingen

"Due to studying the bachelor ́s degree “Latin American Studies” it was clear to me from the beginning that I wanted to do my exchange at the UNAM, Mexico because they offer the same course of studies and therefore many interesting classes. Even though most of the classes are a lot of work it is extremely enriching and should even be imperative to be studying in Latin America. Everyday life in Mexico City also seems very wonderful to me. The range of cultural events is enormous and one can enjoy beautiful music and the most delicious food with the nicest people every day."

Tim Balke, Uni Tübingen

"The time in Mexico was one of the best times of my life so far. The semester abroad was not the first one I did, but it gave me a lot of new impressions and experiences. The courses I took and the people I was able to meet changed my perspective on many things and put them in a new light. Also, immersing myself in the culture and everyday life of the many people who live in Mexico City was more than interesting. I learned a lot both professionally and personally and I can only repeat that UNAM is an excellent university and that living in Mexico or abroad in general helps you to leave your comfort zone and grow."

Andrea Salles, UNAM

"My experience in the summer semester 2022 at the University of Tübingen was a wonderful opportunity, both academically and personally. It was my first time in Germany and I really enjoyed getting to know all that this country has to offer. I took great advantage of the university's academic offerings through the excellent professors and very interesting seminars, and I formed close friendships with people from all over the world. All the people in charge of the exchange were welcoming and very supportive."


Judith Hansel, Uni Tübingen

"The semester abroad at UNAM was very enriching for me not only on an academic but also on a personal level. The courses at UNAM are of a very high standard and I was lucky enough to be able to choose relevant courses for my master's thesis from a large selection of interesting courses. Life in Mexico is also very exciting and incredibly diverse. In Mexico City alone, half a year is not enough to visit all the cultural places."

Isabel Simón Queiro, Uni Tübingen

"I am Isabel and I was lucky enough to study at UNAM in WS 21/22. My experience in Mexico gave me new insights into the history and literature of Latin America in general and Mexico in particular. The opportunity to broaden my horizons came not only from the excellent academic experience but also from the cultural immersion in - and through - a country that has such a fertile, heterogeneous, and spiritual culture."

Ilse Medina, UNAM

"The courses I attended at the University of Tübingen in 2021 were very interesting, especially because of the international environment, as my view of new topics was greatly enriched. In addition, the university always answered all our questions. Tübingen is an incredible city, full of nature, with beautiful streets and sunsets. My exchange experience was very enriching not only on an academic level but also on a personal level."

Arely Gisel Díaz, UNAM

"My experience in Tübingen was a lot more than just an academic exchange. It was a truly life-changing experience to be able to live in a fairy-tale-like town learning from the most brilliant and interesting teachers who gave amazing high-level classes, even with the challenging conditions that the pandemic meant for all of us. Everyone in Tübingen was very welcoming and kind, and both the university and its personnel always assisted us in every way from the moment we got accepted until we were back home, I'll forever cherish all of the experiences I had and everything I learned."

Jan Nasgowitz, Uni Tübingen

"Studying at UNAM was ideal to complement my studies with a focus on "Latin America" and to gain insights from the Global South. Especially because I try to question Eurocentric approaches in my studies, studying at UNAM was perfect for me. A generally very high level of study with participatory teaching and diverse exam methods enriched the teaching and learning experience. Despite the pandemic, I had the opportunity to attend some events in presence and thus also get to know the impressive and very large campus of UNAM, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to the studies, the cultural offerings at UNAM are also great, even if it's a little hard to get an overview  at the beginning."