Excellence Strategy

Science & Career Talks

The University is dedicated to promoting equality and equal opportunities for all genders.
With the Science & Career Talks series, the University is intensifying its gender equality activities as part of the Excellence Strategy by inviting experienced and successful female scientists to Tübingen. They present their research in a public talk and provide insights into their discipline-specific individual experiences in a workshop, thus offering early-career researchers at the University of Tübingen the opportunity to meet senior scientists as role models and to become inspired by their work and career.


Role Models wanted

Inspire young female scientists and share your personal experiences on your individual career path. You can plan up to one week for your stay in picturesque Tübingen. The format is funded by the Excellence Strategy.

Interested or any recommendations? Feel free to contact us.
sciencetalksspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Susana Coelho

Department of Algal Development and Evolution
Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen

Susana Coelho was born in Portugal and completed her PhD at the Marine Biological Association in the laboratory of Colin Brownlee (Plymouth, UK). She was a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Roscoff (France) from 2006 where her lab focused in life cycle and reproduction of brown algae, and she had a key role in the establishment of the brown algae Ectocarpus as a model organism in evolutionary research. Between 2010 and 2020, she co-led the Algae Genetics Group in Roscoff, and was appointed Research Director at the CNRS in 2015. She is currently Director of the Algal Development and Evolution Department at the Max Planck Institute for Biology in Tübingen, Germany. 

Susana has led a number of large-scale research projects on the evolution and development of brown algae, including two ERC grants (SEXSEA and TETHYS) and she was awarded prestigious prizes such as the bronze medal of the CNRS (2015), the Trogoboff Prize of the French National Academy of Sciences (2017) and the Bettencourt Prize Coup d d’Elan (2020). 

We would like to thank Susana Coelho for her refreshing workshop!

Scientific Career and Family

Sharing of experiences and discussion about conciliating career and family

Previous Science & Career Talks

Prof. Dr. Silvy Chakkalakal (HU Berlin)

12.06.2023 – Talk
Intervening Temporalities: Aesthetic of (lost?) Relations at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale

13.06.2023 – Workshop
Navigating your Career. Intersektionale Perspektiven auf die Karriereentwicklung in der Wissenschaft

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland (Universität Münster)

16.09.2022 – Workshop
Karriereentwicklung von Frauen an Universitäten: Gestaltung – Vernetzung – Kommunikation

Prof. Dr. Blanche Schwappach-Pignataro (UKE Hamburg-Eppendorf)

24.06.2022 – Talk
Regulated targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum in the context of sterol metabolism

24.06.2022 – Workshop
How to buid a cohesive research profile - balancing scientific question(s) and main techniques of the lab

Dr. Nanna B. Karlsson (Copenhagen)

31.03.2022 – Talk
A look through the ice on Earth and Mars

30.03.2022 – Workshop
Navigating the glass labyrinth of science, technology, engineer and math (STEM)

Prof. Dr. Almudena Arcones (TU Darmstadt)

02.02.2022 – Talk
Where and how are the heaviest elements produced in the universe?

03.02.2022 – Workshop
Academic career in nuclear astrophysics

Prof. Dr. Julia Nentwich (Universität St. Gallen)

12.01.2022 – Talk
Zwischen Kritik, Widerstand und einfach nur "mehr desselben": Wie männliche Führungskräfte über Gleichstellung sprechen

13.01.2022 – Workshop
"Strategische Karriereplanung" oder "einfach nur berufen sein"?