School of Business and Economics

Student body (Fachschaft)

student representation

Nauklerstraße 47, 72074 Tübingen


The student body is a union made up of voluntary and socially committed students. Every year, students from the student body are elected to join the Faculty Council by means of free elections. The main responsibility of the union is to represent the interests of the students, especially by active participation within the committees (Faculty Council, Study Commission, Career Commission, and Examination Board). The student body also gives advice on questions concerning your studies, lends lecture notes, organises freshers’ events and other general info events.

The main objective of the student body is to improve communication between students and lecturers. In addition, it publishes the faculty magazine “Wort zum WiWi" as a forum for discussion.

Everyone is welcome to participate and promote the students’ interests!

Introductrory events for students by students

other student organizations