Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Poster competition

Geosymposium und Quenstedt-Jahresfeier

Poster competition

Masters thesis' and dissertations written after July 2017 may be submitted. They should be mostly finished and to be handed in soon. 

Due to space limitations, posters can only be accepted in upright format. 

The posters should be designed so that students and faculty members from related fields are able to comprehend the thesis and its results. The posters will be asessed according to design, the didactic implementation and the comprehensibility for students and faculty members from related fields. 

If you want to participate in the competition, please sign up!


Due date: 10. Juli 2023 at:  patricia.koenigspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Geoscientific Faculty

3 prizes for Masters posters: á 200 €, 100 € and 50 €.

3 prizes for posters on dissertations: á 200 €, 100 €
and 50 €.

The winners will be announced after the Quenstedt celebration.