Global perspectives on teachers’ wellbeing and mental health following the COVID-19 pandemic 

The purpose of this international project is to develop a concurrent understanding of teachers’ wellbeing and mental health from a social-cultural perspective after the COVID-19 crisis. Subsequently, we aim to develop an online portfolio of evidence-based global resources to promote teachers’ wellbeing and mental health through individual and ecological change following the COVID-19 pandemic.
In order to avoid imposing Western based notions of teachers’ psychological wellbeing and mental health, collaborators from different countries across the globe will conduct formative research to gather data from teachers within participating countries about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their psychological wellbeing and mental health. Thus, the project aims to identify evidence-based good practice that will enable the road to recovery for them, their colleagues, schools and community contexts.
To this end, we are running two studies: The first study comprises a 25 to 30 minutes online questionnaire. The second study comprises a 90 to 120 minutes focus group interview. If you are a teacher in Germany and interested in participating in any of these studies,

please contact us by writing an email  tomasz.moschkospam


Duration of the research project
24 months (September 2022 – August 2024)

Local research team
Tomasz Moschko (Department of Psychology, University of Tübingen)
Professor Caterina Gawrilow (Department of Psychology, University of Tübingen)

International research team
Professor Olympia Palikara (PI, University of Warwick, UK)
Professor Bonnie Nastasi (Co-I, Tulane University, USA)
Professor Kris Varjas (Co-I, Georgia State University, USA)