Dr. Dr. Fivos Papadimitriou

Department of Geography
Rümelinstr. 19-23, UG, Room H213

fivos.papadimitriouspam prevention@mnf.uni-tuebingen.de


Professional background

Fivos Papadimitriou holds degrees in geology (B.Sc.), physics (M.Sc.), environmental resources (M.Sc.) and education (M.Ed.), and two doctorates in Geography: one from the University of Budapest (Ph.D.) and another from the University of Oxford (D.Phi.Oxon.). He taught at Universities for several years and accomplished cooperations or field researches in several countries. He is member of the Editorial Boards of the ISI-listed journals “International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education” (Taylor & Francis) and “Computational Ecology & Software” and has received several prizes, grants, awards, fellowships and distinctions. His papers have been cited by researchers from sixty-five countries. He is the author of “Spatial Complexity: Theory, Mathematical Methods and Applications” (Springer, 2020).