Theses in progress

Master's theses in progress

Topic: Uncertainty estimation of ancient genomic data and their low-dimensional representations
Supervisor: Kay Nieselt / Cosimo Posth/Susanne Zabel
Author: Samira Breitling

Topic: SeaVis: Seaweed Expression Atlas Visualization Tool for Gene Expression of Algae
Supervisor: Kay Nieselt / Susana Coelho / Simon Hackl / Theresa Harbig
Author: Carmen Gil Bredehöft

Topic: TBA
Supervisor: Kay Nieselt / Ana Rita Brochado / Simon Hackl
Author: Friederike Moroff

Bachelor's theses in progress

Topic:  Genome-wide characterization of lipoproteins in Corynebacteria
Supervisor: Kay Nieselt/Mathias Witte Paz
Author: Daniel Kocher

Topic: Improving the characterization of the 5’ and 3’ regions in TSS-Captur
Supervisor: Kay Nieselt/Mathias Witte Paz
Author: Tom Wolf

Topic: TBA
Supervisor: Kay Nieselt 
Author: Martin Kahabka