Department of Computer Science

List of Courses for the Master ML in the Summersemester 2023 (Foundations of ML and Diverse Topics in ML)

Foundations of Machine Learning Lecturer

Probabilistic Machine Learning


Statistical Machine Learning



Diverse Topics in Machine Learning - Lectures


Computer Vision

Reinforcement Learning Martius
Machine Learning of Single Cell Dynamics Claassen
Mobile Robots Zell
Data Compression with and without deep probablistic models Bamler
Efficient Machine Learning in Hardware Bringmann
Neural Data Science Berens


Diverse Topics in Machine Learning - Seminars

Machine Learning to fight Infections Pfeifer
Machine Learning Methods for Scientific Discovery Macke
Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Systems


Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning


Autonomous Vision Geiger
Rethinking the World's Problems with AI Bethge, Hennig
Large Scale Generative Models: Prospects and Limitations Zhang, Khoreva