LEAD Graduate School & Research Network

Self-Regulation in Education

Self-regulated learning is often described as the key to greater learning success. Once students have been taught how to learn effectively, it is commonly believed that the rest will work itself out. But what exactly is self-regulation, how important is it really and how well can it be encouraged? So far, research has only been able to provide limited answers to these questions. CRA 3 wants to get to the bottom of the factor self-regulation in large, longitudinal studies.

Selected Research Projects

MoMa: Motivation in Mathematics

Mathematics is one of the core competencies that play an important role in academic and professional success. Promoting engagement with mathematics in the school context therefore takes on a central role. The aim of the project Motivation in Mathematics (MoMa) is to examine how motivation in the subject of mathematics can best be promoted among ninth graders following these proven intervention approaches.

In the Media

DIE ZEIT: Homeschooling - Lieber ein gutes Vorbild sein
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trautwein explains in an interview under which circumstances homeschooling can succeed. (in German)
