Academic Affairs


Innovative Teaching with the new Serious Game Graveler

Together with the master profile Digital Humanities, the university didactics and the company Ncite, our Global Awareness Education department developed a virtual world tour in the format of a serious game to convey and discuss the fundamentals of the globalisation debate.

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The game was designed as a 2D online multiplayer role-playing-game with collectible and puzzle components. In this game, students travel around the world as a group, while solving problems in selected cities and meeting (partly real) people needed for the solution. In order to provide students with a broad knowledge of the regions visited, the game contains not only video and graphic materials, but also scientific texts.

The Learning-Game is used in the following seminars:
"What is Globalization?", "Global Challenges to Development: No Poverty", "CIVIS BIP Democratic Memories in Global Perspective" and "Global Migration on the Ground".

Further information

Video of Graveler on YouTube
