Institute of Political Science



Departmental Seminar: The Spatial Turn in Peace and Conflict Studies: Peacebuilding, Agency, Knowledge

Annika Björkdahl (Lund University, Sweden), Wednesday, 8 November 2023 · 16:00 c.t. · Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft or online

Space as an analytical tool provides new and important insights into the relationship between processes of peace and spatiality. In this talk, Annika Björkdahl explores some of the novel understandings of peace informed by spatial approaches, such as corporeal peace, everyday peace, urban peace, mobile peace, and transscalar peace. She will focus on the spatial practices of peacebuilding agency that transform spaces and places of violent conflict and war.
Annika Björkdahl is Professor of Political Science at Lund University, Sweden and one of the leading experts on international and local peacebuilding. Her research has been published in journals such as Security Dialogue, Peacebuilding and Political Geography and a recent special issue on Space for Peace in Journal of Statebuilding and Intervention. She is the co-author of two forthcoming monographs on  Peace and the Politics of Memory and Troubling Testimonies: Women’s Narratives of War, as well as Co-editor of the Palgrave Book Series Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies.

Institutskolloquium / DEPARTMENTAL SEMINAR
 Wednesday, 8 November 2023 · 16:00 c.t. ·  Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Or join online via Zoom:  930 8975 0663 (Meeting ID), 142311 (Passcode)

