Research Unit School Psychology

The Department of School Psychology is mainly concerned with the cognitive, behavioral and motivational-emotional development of children from preschool to adulthood. Thereby, we focus on counseling and training all those involved in the school context, for instance, when difficulties concerning learning and behavior of student(s) occur. With conducting research in this latter area, school psychology aims to gain new insights and to derive important information and recommendations, as well as offers of support for teachers, students, and parents.
Among others, we are concerned with the question of how to best foster attention of children and adolescents with attention problems during school lessons and while doing homework.

Ein Gruppenfoto des Arbeitsbereiches der Schulpsychologie


University of Tübingen
Department of Psychology
School Psychology
Schleichstraße 4
72076 Tübingen

Further two offices: Silcherstraße 5, Liebermeisterstraße 6
