Institute of Media Studies


Lunch Talk mit Dr. Paul Reilly (University of Glasgow)

Montag, 29.04.2024, 12:00 Uhr, Raum 215, Lunch Talk mit Dr. Paul Reilly (University of Glasgow)

Digital Contention in a Divided Society

How are online platforms used by citizens to frame contentious parades and protests in divided societies? This talk presents findings from the first in-depth qualitative exploration of how Facebook, Twitter and YouTube were used during contentious events in "post-conflict“ Northern Ireland. It explores whether citizen activity on these platforms has the potential to contribute to peacebuilding in a divided society.

Dr. Paul Reilly is Senior Lecturer in Communications, Media and Democracy at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. He researches how social media are used to frame contentious political issues within divided societies such as Northern Ireland. He has written two books on the role of the internet in conflict transformation in Northern Ireland, Framing the Troubles Online and Digital Contention in a Divided Society, both with Manchester University Press. His work has been published in journals such as European Journal of CommunicationFirst MondayInformation, Communication & SocietyJournalism, and New Media & Society.
