

Seminar "Stress and Daily Life of the Middle Classes in China, Germany, India and Japan"

This interdisciplinary seminar organized together with Departments of Indology, Japanology and Sinology at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and the German Society for Study of Time Policy (DGZP), Berlin, will provide an overview on the differences and similarities of historical trajectories and contemporary trends of the middle classes from China, Germany, India and Japan.

23 Apr: Introduction

30 Apr, Divyaraj Amiya: "Emergence and Development of  the Modern Urban Indian Middle Class: An Introduction"

7 May, Divyaraj Amiya and Jennifer Clemens: "`Time Nahin Hai`/Delhi After 20 Years 2.0 (2013): A Documentary Film on Imposed Time Poverty and Time Prosperity and Stress Report on India"

14 May at 6 pm (!), John Zerzan: “Origin(s) of Stress, Time and Domestication in World History: An Overview”

28 May, Divyaraj Amiya: "Anti-Work and Anti-Career Stories from Indian Literature"

4 Jun, Lukas Eggert: “Chinese Gaming Culture: The Fine Line between ‘Spiritual Opium Opium’ and Stressing about the Chinese Dream”

11 Jun, Ulrich Theobald: "Max Weber's Confucian Work Ethic, the 'Moderately Prosperous Society', and a Generation 'Lying Flat""

18 Jun, Felix Spremberg: “‘Lost in Exhaustion’: Stress and Daily Lives in Japan”

25 Jun, Elke Grosser (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zeitpolitik, Berlin): "Time Stress in Different Areas of Life in Germany" (in German)

2 Jul, Elke Grosser: "Crises and Stress and a Time-Political Discussion of Stress" (in German)

9 Jul, International Workshop "Stress Among Young Students of +2 and Equivalent Exams to Prestigious Institutions in China, Germany, India, Japan and Other Countries"

16 Jul, Conclusion and Outlook

ALMA Tuesdays 12:00 at Nauklerstr. 35, R. 106
or via
