Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

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M.Sc. in Management and Economics

You wish to follow up your studies with a Management focus based on game-theoretic concepts? The environment in which firms, consumers and governments act today calls for a systematic analysis of strategic interaction, comprehensive decision-making processes, and flexible adaptation strategies.

The M.Sc. Program in Management & Economics offers a unique education that combines state-of-the-art management tools with game-theoretic concepts.
Managers of today’s firms operate in a global environment and must be prepared to quickly react to changing business and market conditions, competitors’ actions, and internal governance problems. The Management & Economics program gives students extensive insights in business and market environments with a core focus on managerial economics, personnel economics, and industrial organization.
The courses offered in the program deal with the strategic behavior of competing firms and focus on implementing management tools within the firms to provide an informational basis for successful business strategies, show how to use the firm’s accounting system for decision-making purposes, and account for potential information asymmetries. Moreover, students learn how to select appropriate performance measures, design efficient incentive systems, and develop strategies to build up and maintain the human capital needed in the firm.
Students of this program develop analytical and professional skills and learn how to apply advanced methods of game theory and principal-agent-theory to understand the implications of strategic interaction among different players.

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