Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh)

Senior Seminar Series on Prophetology organized by the Chair for Hadith Studies and Prophetic Traditions

In the Winter 2023 Semester, Prof. Dr. Ruggero Vimercati Sanseverino, the Chair for Hadith Studies and Prophetic Traditions at the Center for Muslim Theology at Tübingen University, and Besnik Sinani, a post-doctoral researcher for the Chair, organized a Senior Seminar Series on Muslim understanding and manifestations of prophetology.

Open to the public, the seminar series offered students and interested scholars the opportunity to learn about the relevant research projects of 14 internationally recognized scholars from universities in North America, Europe, and Australia. Organized as a hybrid seminar series, the presentations were followed online by interested students and scholars from various parts of the world. The seminar was designed to bring together scholarly explorations on topics of creed, normativity, and spirituality, covering different historical periods and geographical locations.

This seminar series formed the initial material for the Chair’s newly established YouTube channel, which seeks to make the scholarship of those presentations available to interested researchers. It is part of a larger vision to turn the chair’s website into a database of resources for scholarship on Muslim prophetology.