Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


German-Brazilian Symposium: "Towards a Resilient and Safe Future”

***English version below***  / *** Versão em português abaixo ***    

Das 11. Deutsch-Brasilianische Symposium für Nachhaltige Entwicklung steht unter dem Thema “Towards a Resilient and Safe Future”. Es findet vom 20. bis 23. März 2024 in Deutschland an der Universität Tübingen statt.

Das Ziel der Veranstaltung, die abwechselnd in Brasilien und Deutschland stattfindet, ist es, eine Plattform für den inter- und transdisziplinären Austausch zu bieten. Diesmal richtet sich der Blick besonders auf Fragen der Resilienz, der Wertschöpfung, der Nahrungssicherheit und des gerechten Zugangs zu Wasser.

Organisiert wird die Veranstaltung vom Baden-Württembergischen Zentrum für Brasilien und Lateinamerika in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Hohenheim und der Leuphana Universität (Lüneburg).    

Das Programm umfasst Plenarvorträge, thematische Sektionen, eine Posters Session sowie interaktive Workshops und offene Diskussionen. Die vier Hauptthemen der Veranstaltung sind:

A: Resilience and Adaptation for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems
B: Strengthening Resilience by Drug Development and Innovative Medical Treatments
C: Green Innovation and Circular Economy for Life and Food
D: Human Resilience and Climate Justice


Die Anmeldung ist online unter folgendem Link möglich:!
Weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung, das Programm, die Anmeldung, die Teilnahmegebühren, die Fristen usw.  finden Sie hier:  


***English version ***

The 11th edition of the German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development has the motto "Towards a Resilient and Safe Future” and will take place in Germany at the University of Tübingen from March 20 to 23, 2024.

The aim of the event, which is held alternately in Brazil and Germany, is to provide a platform for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange. This time, the focus is particularly on issues of resilience, value creation, food security and equitable access to water.

The event is being organized by the Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America, assisted by the University of Hohenheim and the Leuphana University (Lüneburg).    

The Conference program includes plenary lectures, thematic sessions, a poster session, and interactive workshops and open debates. The four main topics of the event are:

A: Resilience and Adaptation for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems
B: Strengthening Resilience by Drug Development and Innovative Medical Treatments
C: Green Innovation and Circular Economy for Life and Food
D: Human Resilience and Climate Justice


Registration is open and can be done online using the following link:!

More information about the event, the program, registration fees, abstract submission, deadlines etc.:


*** Versão em português ***    
O 11º Simpósio Brasil-Alemanha de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, que será realizado na Alemanha, na Universidade de Tübingen, de 20 a 23 de março de 2024, tem como tema "Towards a Resilient and Safe Future".

O objetivo do evento, que acontece alternadamente no Brasil e na Alemanha, é oferecer uma plataforma para o intercâmbio inter- e transdisciplinar. Desta vez, o foco é nas discussões sobre resiliência, valor agregado, segurança alimentar e acesso adequado à água.

O Centro Brasileiro e Latino-Americano de Baden-Württemberg é responsável pela organização do evento, juntamente com a Universidade de Hohenheim e a Universidade de Leuphana (Lüneburg).

Além das palestras plenárias, das seções temáticas e da sessão de pôsteres; rodadas de discussão aberta também compõem o programa. Os quatro principais tópicos em pauta são:

A: Resilience and Adaptation for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems
B: Strengthening Resilience by Drug Development and Innovative Medical Treatments
C: Green Innovation and Circular Economy for Life and Food
D: Human Resilience and Climate Justice

As inscrições estão abertas e podem ser feitas on-line usando o seguinte link:!

Mais informações sobre o evento, o programa, taxas de inscrição, envio de resumos, prazos etc.:
