Certificate Program Science Communication


Rhetoric Department of Tübingen University

Salina Weber
Doblerstr. 21/1
72074 Tübingen
+49 7071/ 29 73322

salina.weberspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Wissenschaftliche Leitung:
Prof. Dr. Olaf Kramer
olaf.kramerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Dr. Markus Gottschling
markus.gottschlingspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

In order to make their findings understandable and plausible for a broad public, scientists need both sound situational judgment and effective communication tools. The certificate program "Scientific Communication and Media Competence" has been developed to meet this need through professional assistance: It supports researchers in acquiring and developing skills in the areas of science communication and media. As part of the program, workshops are offered in the areas of writing, design, presentation, interview and discussion skills as well as project work.

The program aims at

  •     post-docs
  •     junior research group leaders and
  •     junior professors

Depending on availability, the program is also open to doctoral students.

As part of the Sharing Knowledge communication concept, the certificate program developed and supervised by the Presentation Skills Research Unit of the Department of General Rhetoric in cooperation with the Graduate Academy of the University of Tübingen offers a wide range of advanced training courses that you can complete flexibly and modularly. Successful participation in a minimum number of courses leads to the acquisition of the certificate.