SFB 1391: Publicity Project


German Department of Tübingen University

Dr. Franziska Hammer
Wilhelmstraße 50
72074 Tübingen
+49 7071 / 29 - 75329

franziska.hammerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen

Since 2023, Olaf Kramer has been heading the publicity project of the CRC 1391 Other Aesthetics. The Collaborative Research Center deals with questions such as: Why does art move us? What do we understand by aesthetics? And how does a look at pre-modern Europe change our understanding of aesthetics? To this end, researchers from over 20 different disciplines are investigating texts, images and objects from antiquity to the early modern period. The aim is to reassess the contribution of pre-modern cultural history to our understanding of the aesthetic and to current debates about art and society.

The Publicity Project aims to effectively communicate research concerns and project results to the academic and general public. To this end, innovative public engagement practices are being developed and researched.

In addition to established formats such as lecture series, exhibitions, special lectures and other PR activities, two complementary media strategies were used in the first phase of the CRC:

(1) Cooperation with the knowledge magazine AVENUE: Wozu Kunst?
(2) Development of a digital web portal Other Aesthetics.

In the second phase, the previous approaches will be taken up and expanded to include a scientifically grounded social media strategy. A doctoral project is researching how humanities topics are perceived and become relevant in social discourse. A particular focus lies on researching aesthetic formats in science communication.