Cognitive Modeling

The Second Workshop of

Anticipatory Behavior in
Adaptive Learning Systems 2004
(ABiALS 2004)

will be held on
July 17th 2004
in association with the conference
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB 2004)
in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

The ABiALS workshops are designed to encourage interdisciplinary research on anticipatory behavior in animals, animats, and artificial intelligence systems. Submission that investigate anticipatory behavior mechanisms are encouraged. For further events on anticipatory behavior and learning, see the workshop on Predictive Representations of World Knowledge , which will be held on July 8th 2004 in association with ICML 2004 .


07/19/2004 Thank you very much for the participation in this exciting day on the future of anticipatory behavior, learning and cognition.
06/29/2004 Workshop schedule and ABiALS 2004 proceedings are now available online. We are looking forward to an interesting and inspiring day on anticipations and their influences on behavior and learning.
04/20/2004 Submission deadline has passed. Nonetheless, if you are interested in contributing to our workshop, feel free to contact the organizers with a short statement of interest and a possible title of your contribution.
03/31/2004 Deadline for Submissions Extended. New Deadline: 04/19/2004
01/20/2004 ABiALS 2004 will be held in association with SAB 2004
09/21/2003 ABiALS 2004 page generated.


Martin V. Butz
Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (IlliGAL)
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, IL, USA
alsoDepartment of Cognitive Psychology
University of Würzburg, Germany
e-mail:Martin V. Butz

Olivier Sigaud
Animat Lab
University Paris VI
Paris, France
e-mail: Olivier Sigaud

Samarth Swarup
Computer Science Department
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
e-mail:Samarth Swarup

last update: 19. July 2004